Thursday, January 15, 2009


Love and Hate in the world of Technology!!!

The one thing I find most useful about technology is the instant communication that is possible. I also love the fact that communication with many people is much easier - no more memos on paper to spread about the building. The instant communication has shrunk our world.

Hate is a strong word, but I do hate to see people texting while they drive. This activity is incredibly irresponsible, yet you see people of all walks of life doing it. Grown parents with kids in the car . . . and the parent is driving while texting. I've seen it and I was speechless. I also have concerns that with the widespread use of cell phones and email, that society will suffer as we engage in less face-to-face communication. Where will this technology take our society? Will we grow closer together or farther apart?

Logging off


1 comment:

  1. Your concerns are so important and needs addressing--especially the less engagement piece. Is there a role for the education community to help in this?
